
To Repair or Replace… That is the Question

roofing_header_image_960x250We’ve said it many times before, keeping up with regular roof maintenance is imperative when looking to increase the value of your home and avoid expensive damages. However, what do you do when either you’re dealing with pricey damages due to neglected necessary maintenance or it’s just old and you’re wondering whether or not it’s even worth it to fix it?  If any of this sounds familiar, you may be asking yourself, “should I repair or replace my roof?” The answer to this question really depends on a few factors which we’ve addressed below:

How Old is It?

If you’ve reached or surpassed the average roof life and you’re dealing with issues like ceiling leaks or damaged shingles, you may want to consider a replacement. While staying on top of seasonal roof maintenance can help increase life expectancy, it can only remain in great shape for so long before it starts becoming expensive and de-valuing to your property value. If you ever consider putting your house up for sale, an old roof will decrease the home’s value and this is definitely one time we would recommend seeking out replacement options.

Assess the Damage

Whether you have a ceiling leak, damaged flashing, or broken shingles, it’s important to do a full assessment on the damage that can be easily repaired by a professional rather than jumping to conclusions that a replacement is required. It’s best to avoid spending the money on a full replacement if it hasn’t yet lived out its “full life”. Often-times, the damage is minor and is better off just getting fixed. However, working to prevent damage is advisable and can be done with seasonal check-ups which should help to avoid problems from occurring in the first place or catch them before they worsen to a more serious issue.

Proper Care Tips

Taking good care of your home can help increase roof life expectancy and avoid serious problems such as mold from occurring. Some quick tips for proper roof care include removing algae stains from shingles, clearing the surface and gutters from debris, trimming overhanging tree branches, doing regular inspections, and repairing blown off tiles.

The top of the house may not be the most visible part of the home, but it is one that should be invested in and taken very seriously. Doing so will help increase your home’s value while saving you plenty of money on damages or even roof replacements sooner than necessary. When you have roofing questions or are looking to hire a professional roofer you can trust, get in touch and we’ll help you out in any way we can!

Roof Repair

At Claw Roofing, we have the equipment and the expertise to identify the issues with your roof and exactly what is needed to fix them. Whether it is minor repairs, or a full roof replacement, we guarantee professional service and exceptional results.

Roof Installation

Whether it’s cosmetic or to protect your family, Claw Roofing is here to safely install your new roof. We have the certification, insurance and training to meet all of your new roofing needs, including: Torch-on applications, decking installations over flat roofs, and special material roofing.

We are proud to provide a 10-year labour warranty

Trust us, Our work is guaranteed

We utilise the highest accreditation, insurance and manufacturer guidelines so your roof investment is protected.