Safely Install Your Rooftop Christmas Decorations

Fall is a busy time for homeowners, business and strata councils alike. Claw Roofing understands how vital it is to complete all of the important winter preparations and maintenance on your property before -20*C and much cooler temperatures hit. It is great when you can time your Christmas light installation prior to the snow and icy gutter accumulations to help you stay safe during this festive task. Rushing or relying on a staple gun, screws or permanent attachment options cause damage and lead to residential roof repair Calgary! Avoid making hasty decisions that could translate into costly mistakes by following these helpful tips:

  • Check your equipment on the ground and ensure lights are working and there are no frayed cords or strands of lights.
  • Decide on the best hanging apparatus for your roof.
  • Honestly assessing your physical and mental capabilities. People in excellent shape may still have a fear of heights that can put them in a precarious situation.
  • Consider hiring a professional if you can afford to splurge. There is no price you can place on health and peace of mind!
  • Ensure your ladder is the proper height to safely access your roofline without over-reaching.
  • Always take the weather into consideration.


Ladder Safety 101

Never hurry when you are up on your roof or trying to hang your holiday display. Wind, blowing snow and temperature fluctuations can instantly change your perspective. Give yourself plenty of time to complete the job and consider enlisting the help of family or friends or hiring a professional. Unfortunately, far too many people fall off of their roof or ladder each year with severe consequences. Ensure your ladder is set up on stable ground and secure all safety locking features prior to ascending. Invest in a fall prevention harness, lifeline or lanyard combo and get into safer security habits every time you ascend the roof. Use your safety equipment and fall protection for inspecting the gutters, cleaning the chimney and of course, hanging Christmas Lights. Try not to leave things to the last minute if you are hosting an event. Have a plan in place in regards to design to ensure you highlight the features you desire and won’t have to re-climb the ladder to fix items.

Avoid Roof Leak Repair Calgary Due To Damaging Your Eaves

Choose specialty clips, hooks or wires to install your Christmas lights without causing damage leading to flat roof repair, shingle damage or gutter punctures. It can be tempting to staple gun your lights up or use U-shaped nails; however, anything that is putting a hole into your roofline can lead to roof leak repair down the road if you are not careful. Determine where you are going to successfully hang your lights (shingles, gutters, eaves) and which mechanism to use. Call Claw Roofing for all of your residential roof repair Calgary! Oftentimes, we discover something amiss with our roof during Christmas light installation or while cleaning the chimney etc. Let’s face it, most of us are not up on our rooftop too often so whenever we are in the vicinity, it is essential to conduct a visual inspection if possible. Or simply phone us and we will be happy to conduct a thorough roof inspection on your behalf.


Claw Roofing for Your Residential Roof Repair Calgary!

We look forward to this festive, cheerful time of year. Claw Roofing wishes everyone the utmost safety when decorating and enjoying the holidays this year. We are happy to answer any questions or concerns about your residential roof repair, flat roof repair, shingle replacement and more! Call us today to arrange a consultation and obtain a quote. Stay safe on those ladders and happy decorating!


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