
How Much Heat Loss Is “Normal” Through My Roof?

It’s that chilly time of year again in Calgary and we’re spending even more time at home! What does this mean for your heating bill? How is your thermostat doing these days? Your favourite roofing specialists want to help you stay cozy and comfy this holiday season and not break the bank when it comes to your heating bill!

Did you know? Up to 25% or more of your heat may be escaping through your roof. Un-insulated walls and floors are another culprits. If you are feeling the drafts, you are not alone. It is common for many homeowners to have no clue as to what their R-Value is in their insulation or if their attic and walls have the right amount. Taking note of your thermal envelope (the roof, windows, doors and walls) can help you determine how to proceed. Since heat rises, tackling the attic (especially during this time of year) can show you a great turnaround on your energy bills. You may be eligible for some Fortis BC rebates too so keep track of your expenses.


Trapping Heat and Stopping Drafts

It is key to evaluate your windows, doors and walls when you are considering roof upgrades. Some homeowners decide to insulate the entire house at once, while others take on one room at a time. Window sealing kits and upgrades as well as adding some weather strips to the doors can help you trap even more heat within your interior. If you have a natural wood-burning fireplace, be sure to keep the damper closed after the fire goes out! Another commonly overlooked place to check for drafts is around any electrical wires coming into your home and even from each electrical socket. Hold a candle near your wall outlets to see if there is a draft. You can purchase foam inserts to place behind the plastic cover which can help tremendously.

Snowy Roof vs. Bare Roof

A well-insulated roof often has snow sitting on top. The bare roof is the typically the one depicting heat loss. As the snow up top melts, it tries to trickle down as water through your downspouts. Ice dams within the gutters and frozen blockages can occur when the freezing and thawing occur repetitively during temperature fluctuations. Long-term damage can be sustained and structural damage can occur if the gutters detach and fall off. Of course, flat roofs will accumulate more snow and various pitch designs and complex roof angles may greatly affect the snow accumulation and removal due to potentially poor ventilation in trickier rooftop designs.


Claw Roofing, Your Calgary Roofing Specialists

We are happy to help you stay dry, warm and protected this winter season. Claw Roofing has all of your commercial roofing, residential roofing, flat roofing and industrial applications. From roof repair to replacement, our competent and friendly team can help you enjoy the season. Damaged shingles or roofing components can leave you in a mid-winter bind. Let us help you take care of your building. Claw Roofing is always happy to meet you at your convenience to provide you with the specifics on your roof to enable you to make an informed decision. Call us to schedule your appointment today!

Roof Repair

At Claw Roofing, we have the equipment and the expertise to identify the issues with your roof and exactly what is needed to fix them. Whether it is minor repairs, or a full roof replacement, we guarantee professional service and exceptional results.

Roof Installation

Whether it’s cosmetic or to protect your family, Claw Roofing is here to safely install your new roof. We have the certification, insurance and training to meet all of your new roofing needs, including: Torch-on applications, decking installations over flat roofs, and special material roofing.

We are proud to provide a 10-year labour warranty

Trust us, Our work is guaranteed

We utilise the highest accreditation, insurance and manufacturer guidelines so your roof investment is protected.